1. Ponder your patriarchal blessing. Notice where Heavely Father may give specific direaction and where He gives only general guidance and expects you to learn how to make righteous choices.
2. Ask yourself, Are there things in my life I should start, stop, or continue doing? Seemingly small actions or attitudes carried on over time can set important long-term trajectories. "Out of small things proceedeth that which is great"
3. Study the lives of the great prophets, including Abraham. As how you increase your understanding, trust, and experience with the Lord so as to be prepared for challenges and opportunites in your life.
4. Review circumstances in which you recieved guiding promptings and how you responded to those promptings.
5. Count your many blessings. Look for ways to add "thank you", "I love you", "Please forgive me", and "I forgive you" to your daily life.
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